The Flaneur

Photo by Paul LaMont organizer
of the Meetup Group- Portland Urban
A photographer and a flaneur. This
photo was taken in the Alberta
District in Ptld. OR
of the Meetup Group- Portland Urban
A photographer and a flaneur. This
photo was taken in the Alberta
District in Ptld. OR
Flaneur-a person who walks the city in order to experience it- from lightgraphite
In Praise of the Flaneur by Bijan Stephan 10/17/2013 from the Paris Review
9 Famous Thinkers from History Who Were Habitual Walkers by Blake Miner 2/1/2022 A Flaneur
In Praise of the Flaneur by Bijan Stephan 10/17/2013 from the Paris Review
9 Famous Thinkers from History Who Were Habitual Walkers by Blake Miner 2/1/2022 A Flaneur
A Flaneur Welcome to Flaneur Life Flaneur Magazine The magazine that focuses on one street per issue. |