Informational Websites, blogs, videos etc...
How I Walk and Rebranding the Word Walking. NCHPAD wants to challenge individual and societal perspectives. (See info below under websites)
Meet Mike Passo Executive Director of American Trails
People with Disabilities can Hike at State Park Thanks to All-Terrain Wheelchair by Elyse Wanshel 10/26/16
Meet Mike Passo Executive Director of American Trails
People with Disabilities can Hike at State Park Thanks to All-Terrain Wheelchair by Elyse Wanshel 10/26/16
Accessible Trail Adventures for People of All Abilities posted 5/15/17 by Peter Doehring
The Disabled Hiker - despite my physical challenges I refuse to give up on the things I love.
Accessible Trail Adventures for People of All Abilities posted 5/15/17 by Peter Doehring
The Disabled Hiker - despite my physical challenges I refuse to give up on the things I love.
Access Recreation Accessible outdoor recreation for all
Access Trails across Portland OR and Vancouver WA Region
Find Your Next Adventure Adaptive Sports Center
Huckleberry Hiking Taking special people to special places breaking the barriers
NCHPAD How I Walk A campaign to rebrand the word walking
Project Sidewalk Let's create a path for everyone (mapping)
Virtual Photo Walks walk the walk for those who can't
Wheelchair Accessible Trails by State - Trail Link Rails to Trails Conservancy