Airport Walking:
Promoting Airport Walking A Guide CDC (PDF)
Promoting Airport Walking A Guide CDC (PDF)
Airports with Walking Paths published April 7, 2013
Getting Exercise - A Walking Guide to World Airports April 11, 2016
Airport Walking - Ian Rose published Aug 18, 2018 in Blueschisting (this is about walking from the airport to your destination. I include it here even though it is done outside of the airport. A different take on airport walking)
Nelson Airport Perimeter Walkway in New Zealand has been reopened in Oct. 2018. It had been closed due to damage to the trail. It is 5.75km.
Airports with Walking Paths published April 7, 2013
Getting Exercise - A Walking Guide to World Airports April 11, 2016
Airport Walking - Ian Rose published Aug 18, 2018 in Blueschisting (this is about walking from the airport to your destination. I include it here even though it is done outside of the airport. A different take on airport walking)
Nelson Airport Perimeter Walkway in New Zealand has been reopened in Oct. 2018. It had been closed due to damage to the trail. It is 5.75km.
Mall Walking:
Fit Indoors 10 of our favorite Mall Walking Locations in the U.S.!
Fit Indoors 10 of our favorite Mall Walking Locations in the U.S.!
Mall Walking a Program Resource Guide (PDF)
Tips for Mall Walkers Walk for fun and Fitness by John H. Bland, M.D. with Jenna Colby, R.D., L.D.
Mall Walking a Program Resource Guide (PDF)
Tips for Mall Walkers Walk for fun and Fitness by John H. Bland, M.D. with Jenna Colby, R.D., L.D.